Lynchburg Pregnancy Chiropractor

We Specialize in Prenatal Chiropractic for Smoother Pregnancies

Did you know that chiropractic treatment for expecting mothers can promote healthier pregnancies? Chiropractic Care Center specializes in prenatal chiropractic treatment for women in all stages of pregnancy. Pregnant women who receive chiropractic treatment can benefit from less pain and discomfort, shorter labor times, and a smoother delivery. Dr. Will Likins is a highly trained prenatal chiropractor in Lynchburg and Forest, Virginia. If you’re looking for ways to enjoy a healthier and happier pregnancy, get in touch today!

Prenatal Chiropractor in Lynchburg, VA.

Changes To The Body During Pregnancy

Recently a woman who was approaching the end of her pregnancy (during one of our record-hot summers) looked at me and said, "Doc, pregnancy is not for sissies!" We both laughed, but honestly, there's a lot of truth to that statement. The changes in a female's body during pregnancy are extreme yet extraordinary. The changes are all geared towards one goal: bringing a healthy baby into the world.

However, there are physical challenges that accompany these changes. Adjustments in body weight and posture can cause a variety of joint pain, gait abnormalities, headaches, and peripheral neuropathies. These can bring discomfort to what is already a challenging and sometimes anxious time for expectant mothers.

The typical pregnant patient in my office presents with back, pelvic, and hip pain, and sometimes neck pain and headaches, with numbness in the hands or feet. These can often happen early in the pregnancy before the patient has experienced significant body changes. If left untreated, the symptoms will typically worsen with time.

How Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy Can Help

With my pregnant chiropractic patients, I focus not only on the presenting symptoms but on what we mentioned above - bringing a healthy baby into the world.

We have three main goals with our pregnant patients:

  1. Get the patient pain-free

  2. Restore proper alignment and range of motion to the pelvis

  3. Restore proper alignment and range of motion to the neck

It is critical to have the pelvic girdle moving appropriately. This not only diminishes the lower back and hip pain but makes the birthing process much easier for the mother and child. I began to track delivery times in my patients this year, and we are currently averaging between 3-5 hours. I believe this is because a moving pelvis makes for a smoother birth. I can assure you, every mother I treat tells me how much they appreciate that!

I also focus on the neck because every new mom finds herself in posture after giving birth that consists of looking down at their new baby for hours a day. It is important to me that my new moms are able to feed their babies with little or no sleep, looking down for extended periods without neck pain or headaches. The changes in hormones and lack of sleep are difficult enough without pain and headaches, and I make this a priority for all the expecting moms that I treat.

A lot goes into bringing a healthy baby into the world. One thing I encourage new moms to consider is to prepare their bodies as well. Chiropractic is excellent for getting rid of the pain associated with pregnancy and preparing the body for what is to come after giving birth. I have specialized in treating expecting mothers for the last 20 years. If you are looking for a pregnancy chiropractor to partner with during this extraordinary time, I would be honored to help you.

- Dr. Will Likins, Chiropractor in Lynchburg

Prenatal Chiropractor in Lynchburg, VA

Dr. Likins is one of the leading pregnancy chiropractors in Lynchburg, Virginia. Our mission at Chiropractic Care Center is to provide world-class chiropractic care to our local Lynchburg community. Our prenatal chiropractic treatments are fast, gentle, and effective for women throughout all stages of pregnancy. We look forward to serving you.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today or give us a call at (434) 525-4588.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care